Coastal Cottages AMI wants to make sure that once you arrive on Anna Maria Island that your vacation is as pleasant as possible. One way to do that is to remind you that you are vacationing in a residential city and NOT all your neighbors are on vacation, so we encourage you to use common courtesy and respect for those around you.

The city of Anna Maria has many rules and regulations. By familiarizing yourself with some of the most commonly neglected regulations by visitors to the island — specifically in the city of Anna Maria — listed below, your stay will definitely start out on the right foot . . . even if it is in flip-flops!

Beaches and Parks

  • Bayfront Park closes at 10:00 p.m.
  • Dogs, cats and bicycles are prohibited on the beaches at any time.
  • Ground fires are prohibited in all park and beach areas.
  • No person shall discharge any fireworks within city parks, beaches or within any part or portion of the city limits of Anna Maria unless done as part of a special event authorized by the city commission.
  • Sleeping and camping in any park, beach, or pavilion is prohibited, including in beach pavilions, rest rooms, trash receptacles, benches, picnic tables, as well as recreational activity areas (such as athletic courts and fields, dug outs, and playgrounds), pedestrian or vehicular traffic ways (such as roads, sidewalks, bike paths, and jogging paths), and landscaped areas (such as flower gardens, hedges, and planters).
  • Consumption, possession or sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited within city parks except during and within the specified area of a special event authorized by the city or premises licensed for sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Park and beach patrons may bring coolers to the beach and the park area, but coolers are subject to search by city deputies. View more on beach regulations.
  • Playing ball, Frisbee, flying kites, or any other game that may endanger patrons on the beach or in the water, is limited to designated times and areas as posted or as determined by city officials.
  • Swimming at public beach areas is prohibited if the beach is closed due to lightning or other dangerous conditions; if swimmers are nude or indecently clothed; beyond 100 yards from shore; if children are not properly supervised by adults (proper supervision is one adult minimum per 10 children).
  • The use or possession of spear guns or similar weapons is prohibited on the beach.
  • Motorized and non-motorized watercraft must remain a minimum of 100 yards offshore, unless being launched or returned to a designated boat launching area of the beach. There are no launching areas on the Gulf of Mexico side of Anna Maria.
  • The launching area and channel are for launching and returning watercraft only. Watercraft may not anchor or interfere with the use of the channel area. Kayaks may be launched from the kayak launching area at the Bayfront Park.
  • Digging holes or erecting tents, canopies and fencing is prohibited. Small beach sun tents can be used but must be removed prior to sundown and cannot be placed permanently on the beach or in the park.

Nature and Wildlife

  • No person shall cut, carve or injure the bark or break off the limbs or branches, or mutilate in any way or pick the flowers or seeds of any tree or plant existing on city property. Nor shall any person dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area.
  • No person shall molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, hunt, chase, capture, shoot or throw any object which may harm any mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.
  • Dogs, cats and domesticated animals of any kind are not allowed on the beach or at Bayfront Park, the Anna Maria City Pier or the Rod and Reel Pier. Assistance, service, police K-9, rescue, and fire dogs are allowed with handlers.
  • Fishing or netting of fish is limited to the hours of 6:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. when on the beach and must be conducted in a safe manner. All debris, bait, fish line and hooks, and other fishing equipment or tackle must be removed from the beach after fishing has been conducted. Fishing permits at the City Pier are not required. View more on fishing regulations
  • Attaching hammocks to trees, showers or structures is prohibited.
  • Sea oats, sea grapes and other plants, dune areas and coastal vegetation are protected, and no person shall cut, damage, or remove such plants from the beach.
  • All wildlife, birds, fish, and turtles are protected by city, county, state, and federal mandates and laws.
  • Drying clothes by hanging them on trees, bushes, tables or in or around rest rooms is prohibited.


  • Noise curfew is from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. every night.
  • Please be mindful of loud music and loud voices when in and around the pool or outdoor balcony areas.
  • No person or group shall play or operate any sound amplification device including radios, television sets, turn tables, tape decks, public address systems, amplified musical instruments or any other loud noise generating device which disturbs other persons. Noise from the roadway with any sound amplification system is illegal and constitutes an automatic stop by city deputies if it is heard and disturbs the neighborhood.
  • Noise means any sound which annoys or disturbs humans or which causes or tends to cause an adverse psychological or physiological effect on humans. This also includes low frequency vibrations, such as caused by amplification of bass instrumental sounds.
  • Noise disturbance constitutes sound which (a) is or may be harmful or injurious to the health or welfare of a reasonable person with normal sensitivities or (b) unreasonably interferes with the enjoyment or normal conduct of life, property or outdoor recreation.
  • Police will issue one warning upon responding to a noise complaint and Coastal Cottages AMI will be notified of each instance. Second offenses will receive a citation in the amount of $100 and may lead to eviction of your vacation rental property.


Parking and Traffic

  • All motor vehicles must be parked in garages or driveways. Avoid parking in yards, streets or rights of way.
  • Away from your vacation rental, all motor vehicles shall be parked only in established and indicated parking areas or in such other areas and at such times as city officials may designate. No person shall park or station any vehicle in any zone designated and marked “No Parking” or otherwise marked for restricted use except briefly for emergency purposes. View more on parking violations/strong>
  • Please adhere to the posted speed limit. Uniform Traffic Citations are at least $116 per violation. County Parking Tickets are $110 per violation, while City Parking Tickets are $30 per violation. WARNINGS ARE NOT GIVEN OUT. THE PRIOR ISSUANCE OF WARNING TICKETS SIMPLY CREATE MULTIPLE OFFENDERS AND ROADWAY LITTER.
  • Boats/Trailers/Recreational Vehicls (RVs) are not permitted on rights of way or streets. Boats/Trailers/RVs can be legally parked in driveways.